Oct 13, 2009

HH Recap: Tutta Bella Edition!

Many thanks to everyone who came out to our happy hour event at Tutta Bella last Thursday night. We convened to discuss social media once again - answering questions about Twitter, why a foundation might use social media, etc.

Among the questions we tried to tackle:

Q: Why would a foundation want to use social media?
A: To connect grantees with one another? To share information with other foundations? For transparency reasons? To make the foundation more accessible?

We were joined by several new faces, and we spent a lot of time discussing inter-generational issues in the workplace and at conferences. A couple people had recently observed that they were among the only young attendees at a recent conference and they felt slightly out of place - wondering what questions were appropriate to ask, looking up different field-lingo acronyms. Their solution? Post a flyer and host an impromptu EPIP gathering:

Have you had a similar conference experience? We'd love to hear about it!

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